
Why Baseball, Books, and Beer Matter

Minnesota Town Ball

Last summer, as I rediscovered my love and passion for baseball, I also rediscovered Minnesota Town Ball.

Minnesota, my home now for almost 40 years, is the state with the most community-centered amateur baseball teams (called Town Ball teams). It is also the state with the most community bands.

When I first started dating my wife, Sue, she played in a community band (she still plays flute and piccolo in a community band as well as a community orchestra). Her brother, Chris, played for one of the local Town Ball teams.

Summer in those days meant going to outdoor summer concerts at beautiful venues like Lake Harriet Bandshell or Como Park bandshell, and to the occasional town ball game at one of the many beautiful community ballparks that seem to be as plentiful in Minnesota as our lakes.

In this blog, I will be highlighting some of these ballparks and some of the teams that, along with community bands and ten thousand other things, make Minnesota such a unique and wonderful place to live.

Some Town Ball Resources:


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