
Why Baseball, Books, and Beer Matter

Why Not the Giants (or 49ERS)?

Though my parents were San Francisco Giants fans (as well as 49ers fans), I never really was a fan of either team. For some reason, I rooted for the Oakland Raiders, the Baltimore Orioles, and the New York Mets. Then once the Athletics moved to Oakland in 1968, they naturally became my American League team.

There is often a mystery behind why one team becomes a favorite team over all the possible options. While I know I specifically became an Oakland Athletics fan because I was already an Oakland Raiders fan, I have no memory or idea why I became a Raiders fan in the first place, especially in a household of 49er fans. And why was I a fan of both the Orioles and Mets rather than the Giants?

My parents were loyal Westerners. They always rooted for the Pac12 team in the Rose Bowl. But for some unknown reason, I chose at some point to follow two East Coast baseball teams.

I do have a vague memory of some older cousins speaking well of the Orioles and especially Brooks Robinson. And the Orioles were a great team that won a lot. But why the Mets? They were absolutely dreadful in those days (this was before 1969 and the Miracle Mets). It makes sense why as a kid I would choose to follow a perennial winner like the Orioles. But why did I choose a perennial loser like the Mets?

Fandom, like love always seems to be, is a fickle thing. A serendipitous mystery that changes everything.

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