
Why Baseball, Books, and Beer Matter


  • Last week someone left a copy of the StarTribune on the lunch table at work. It was still in the plastic bag that papers are delivered in these days. Over lunch, I took the sports page to my desk and read it. Cover to cover. Spending the most time on the page with the box… Read more

  • Of Baseball and Books

    Baseball is at its root a game of conversation. The long season, the timeless nature of the games themselves, leads inevitably to conversation. In the dugout, players and coaches tell stories about games and plays they have seen and players they have known. They talk about all the important and unimportant things in their lives… Read more

  • NFL Football is a sport that is much better on television than in person. The concentrated bursts of action between long periods of inactivity are enhanced by instant replay, color commentary telling us all more about what we just watched, and beer commercials featuring scantily clad women. Anyone who has ever watched an NFL football… Read more

  • Long Time, No Blog

    Sometime before Covid, after blogging on several different sites for more than 10 years, I wrote what I believed at the time to be my very last blog post. I closed my laptop, let the domain I had go, and started working on other “projects.” Recently though, like a phantom limb, I have been feeling… Read more